One Million Leaders Africa


Youth Leadership in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Youth Leadership in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities February 26, 2021 Uncategorized Explicable leadership remains one of the biggest challenges to development in Africa, mainly because the most practiced form of leadership in Africa is Adult Leadership and Individual Leadership mainly based on their own interest best known to them and not for the favour of […]

A Guide to Writing a Compelling CV

A Guide to Writing a Compelling CV

The word CV is an acronym for curriculum vitae. It is a document prepared and used for applying for jobs in organizations or for Academic purposes (Grad. schools). Curriculum Vitae allows you to summarize your education, skills, and experience enabling you to successfully sell your abilities to potential employers. It is a tool that helps […]

African Youth Inclusion: A Catalyst to Transformation

African Youth Inclusion: A Catalyst to Transformation

Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 30. Having a young population brings many opportunities for economic growth, innovation, and Nation building, only if this is perceived, recognized, and utilized as an opportunity. Having a high number of young people is an opportunity for the […]

Leadership Webinar Series Episode 1

You’re welcome to the first episode of the Leadership Webinar Series. The topic for this episode was “Embracing your African identity: What does it mean to be African” This podcast is a repository of the first episode of the OMLA Leadership Webinar Series, in this episode our facilitator, Dele Ogun a legal practitioner and African […]