One Million Leaders Africa

2024 BootCamp

Get update on Screen Schools, Selected Students and other details for OMLA leadership and entrepreneurial Bootcamp

2023 BootCamp

The 2023 OMLA leadership and Entrepreneurship Bootcamp was resounding success. Check out the highlights of the Bootcamp, key reports and Testimonials

Overview of the OMLA Bootcamp

The OMLA (One Million Leaders Africa) Bootcamp is a flagship project of the organization, aimed at high school students between the ages of 11 and 18.  It is designed to take place during their summer break. The boot camp focuses on providing basic training in various areas, including sustainability, entrepreneurship, climate change, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), and career orientation and development. The program runs for a duration of one week.

Ijigba Community High School, Ijigba,Akure, Ondo State.
Twins College Ala, Ondo State.
Interview section at Iyaniwura School,Dadaa
Obas Educational Centre ,Dadaa

For the maiden edition of the boot camp, 17 schools in rural communities will be participating. The selection process has involved screening over 150 students who will be attending the program. The goal of OMLA and the boot camp is to empower and develop young leaders across Africa, providing them with valuable knowledge and skills in important areas that can contribute to their personal growth and make a positive impact in their communities.

2024 BootCamp Update

We’re thrilled to announce the second edition of the OMLA Leadership Bootcamp, specifically designed to empower and equip the next generation of African changemakers.

This year, we’re welcoming 17 schools from rural communities within Ondo State, Nigeria. Over 200 students have been meticulously screened for this prestigious program, and we can’t wait to unleash their potential.

The OMLA 2024 Bootcamp, proudly approved by the Ministry of Education, Ondo State, provides a dynamic learning experience focused on; leadership and sustainability, climate change, Entrepreneurship, Career orientation and development.

St. Micheals Catholic High School, Ijoka, Akure, Ondo State
St. Micheals Catholic High School, Ijoka, Akure, Ondo State
Oba’s Educational Centre Dadaa, Ondo State
Oba’s Educational Centre Dadaa, Ondo State
Ala Community High School, Ala, Ondo State
Ala Community High School, Ala, Ondo State
Glorious Model School Dadaa, Ondo State.
Glorious Model School Dadaa, Ondo State.


Facilitators and Volunteers (Restricted to Ondo State)


Skilled personnel and industry experts are  needed in key areas to give career talks, training and mentoring to the students attending the OMLA Bootcamp. These facilitators play a crucial role in delivering high-quality training and guidance to the participants. Here are some types of facilitators that could be involved in the boot camp:

  1. Career Experts: These facilitators should have expertise in various career fields and able to  provide insights into different career paths, job opportunities, and the skills required for success in specific industries. They can conduct career talks, share their personal experiences, and offer advice on career planning and development.

  2. Sustainability Specialists: Given the focus on sustainability, facilitators with knowledge and experience in this field can educate students on environmental conservation, renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable practices. They can conduct workshops and interactive sessions on sustainable development, helping students understand the importance of environmental responsibility.

  3. Entrepreneurship Mentors: Facilitators with a background in entrepreneurship can guide students on starting and running their own businesses. They can share entrepreneurial success stories, teach business planning and strategy, and provide practical tips on marketing, finance, and innovation. These mentors can also help students develop an entrepreneurial mindset and encourage creative thinking.

  4. Climate Change Experts: With climate change being a critical global issue, facilitators who specialize in climate change can educate students on its causes, effects, and potential solutions. They can discuss the importance of climate action, raise awareness about sustainable practices, and encourage students to become advocates for environmental conservation.

  5. ICT Professionals: Given the emphasis on ICT, facilitators with expertise in information and communication technology can provide training in areas such as coding, digital literacy, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. They can lead workshops, hands-on activities, and group projects to enhance students’ digital skills and foster their understanding of the digital world.

  6. Leadership Coaches: Facilitators with a background in leadership development can conduct sessions on leadership skills, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. They can guide students in developing their leadership potential, fostering self-confidence, and empowering them to become effective leaders in their communities.

  7. Industry Experts: It would be beneficial to invite professionals from various industries relevant to the boot camp’s focus areas as guest speakers. These experts can share their industry insights, provide real-life examples, and offer practical advice to inspire and motivate students. They can also serve as mentors and provide guidance on specific career paths.

Volunteers play a vital role in the OMLA Bootcamp, assisting with daily activities and coordination. Their roles will include event coordination, administrative support, logistics assistance, facilitating activities and workshops, mentoring participants, providing technical support, and overall assistance. They also contribute to recruiting and training additional volunteers. Their dedication is crucial to the success of the bootcamp.