One Million Leaders Africa

Get Involved

The work of OMLA depends on donations. We need your help to raise and support a million credible leaders in Africa by 2030. Any amount helps! Thank you for your solidarity and support.
You can make a donation using our ‘Globalgiving’ fundraising platform.
You can also pay in through flutterwave.
If you choose this method, please do provide your email address, so we can send you an acknowledgement.

Bank Transfer

Donations from Nigeria can be made to

  • Account Holder – Next Leaders Initiative for Sustainability
  • Bank – United Bank of Africa
  • Address – FUTA Branch, Akure-Ilesa way, Akure, Ondo State
  • Phone +234 8167312573
  • Sort code: – 033180560
  • Swift code: – UNAFNGLA
  • Account number: – 1023052726

Donations from other countries aside Nigeria can be made to:

  • Account Holder – Next Leaders Initiative for Sustainability
  • Bank – United Bank of Africa
  • Address – FUTA Branch, Akure-Ilesa way, Akure, Ondo State
  • Phone +234 8167312573
  • Sort code: – 033180560
  • Swift code: – UNAFNGLA
  • Account Number: 3002912618

If any duplication happens at the time of bank transfer due to any technical issues and excess money is credited to our account, we will immediately refund back the excess amount to the donor on request.


You can help us actualize our vision by donating your time and skill, a way that feels good to you, where you may assist and will feel special, from anywhere you are in the world.

Volunteering can be done in different ways:

  • Volunteering, not physically but in soft-services. This involves teaching or sharing knowledge or professional views. As an example, making recommendations.
    Giving out helpful resources: You can give out business books or books on African Leadership, African history in your reach.
  • Talking about OMLA everywhere: Spread the news about the existence of OMLA. You can attract new participants, catalysts, volunteers or potential donors.
    Volunteering from home: For example you could help out with design, newsletters, translations, write-ups, etc.
  • Assistance for media and other technical ways: We always can use motivated, dedicated and technically gifted volunteers who can help out on maintenance, IT and many other interesting activities. You will meet future OMLA Ambassadors from all over the world who have amazing stories to tell and experiences to share.

To apply, please fill the form below: